Container Specimen Disposable

BIL C/N                          DESCRIPTION PACK MFR
1 18428S PLT Containers 250ml Screw Cap With Pressure Under Cap Sterile 50 Italy
2 18429 PLT Container 1000ml Screw Cap  With Pressure Under Cap Sterile 105 Italy
3 18462 PS Container 30ml Screw Cap Conical Bottom Labelled 400 Italy
4 184629 PS Container 60ml Screw Cap Flat Bottom labelled 300 Italy
5 18466 PS Containers 30ml Screw Cap With Spatula 400 Italy
6 18472 Sterile PS Containers 30ml Screw Cap Conical Bottom 400 Italy
7 184729 Sterile PS Containers 30ml Screw Cap Flat Bottom Labelled 300 Italy
8 18476 Sterile PS Container 30ml Screw Cap With Spatula Labelled 400 Italy
9 231173 PP Container 150ml with Separated Screw  Cap 450 Italy
10 231755 PP Container 150ml with Screw Cap 400 Italy
11 231176 PP Containers 150ml with Screw Cap and Label 400 Italy
12 231177 Sterile PP Containers 150ml with Screw  Cap 400 Italy
13 231178 Sterile PP Containers 150ml with Screw Cap and Label 400 Italy
14 231179 Sterile PP Containers 150ml Screw Cap Ind Wrapped 350 Italy
15 23118 Sterile Swabs Metal Stick In Test Tubes  12 x140mm 1800 Italy
16 231180 Sterile PP Containers 150ml with Screw Cap & Label In Wrapped 350 Italy
17 231193 PP Containers 200ml Screw Cap Separated 400 Italy
18 231195 PP Containers 200ml Screw Cap  300 Italy
19 231196 PP Containers 200ml Screw Cap Labelled 300 Italy
20 231197 Sterile PP Container 200ml Screw Cap 300 Italy
21 231198 Sterile Container 200ml Screw Cap Label 300 Italy
22 231199 Sterile PP Containers 200ml Screw Cap Ind Wrapped 250 Italy
23 5024 Spec.Container 24 Hours Graduated with 2 Screw Cap Vol 2500ml(Sampling) 1 Italy
24 12731 Spec.Container 24 Hours Graduated with 2 Screw Cap Vol 2500ml(Tank) 1 Italy
25 1004 Mini Container Fit To Contain Slides for 2 Place 26 x 76mm  100 / pkt Italy
26 SPC 01 Polstyrene Urine Container With Screw Cap Vol 60ml Sterile 500's Italy
27 90483 PP Container For 24 Hours Urine Collection 2500ml 30 Italy
28 100460 Polystyrene Universal Container 400 Italy
29 100462 Spoon For Universal Container 1000 Italy
30 181011 Sterile PS Container 200ml Labelled With Screw Cap and Little Stopper 135 Italy
31 18102 PS Container 200ml Screw Cap Labelled 180 Italy
32 18106 Sterile PS Container 200ml Screw Cap Labelled 180 Italy
33 18107 Sterile PS Container 200ml Screw Cap labelled Ind.Wrapped 140 Italy
34 181084 PS Containers 150ml Pressure Cap 480 Italy
35 181091 Sterile PS Containers 200ml Labelled Screw Cap And Little Stopper Ind. Wrapped 100 Italy
36 181104 Sterile PS Containers 150ml Pressure Cap 180 Italy
37 181114 Sterile PS Containers 150ml Pressure Cap 150 Italy
38 18114 Vials 20ml For Scintillation 1000 Italy
39 18116 PP Containers Toa For Counting Corp. 3000 Italy
40 181175A PP Containers 120ml With Screw Cap Separated 540 Italy
42 18118 PP Container For Coulter Counter 1000 Italy
43 18121 PS Containers 22 x 63mm 18ml Pressure Cap with Spatula 1000 Italy
44 18122 Sterile PS Container 22 x 63mm 18ml  Pressure Cap With Spatula 1000 Italy
45 18123 Sterile PS Container 30 x 58mm 35ml Pressure Cap With Spatula 450 Italy
46 18124 Sterile PS Container 30 x 58mm 35ml Pressure Cap With Spatula 450 Italy
47 18125 PS Containers 30 x 58mm 35ml Labelled Pressure Cap With Spatula 450 Italy
48 18427 PLT Containers 500ml Screw Cap With Pressure Under - Cap 200 Italy
50 18428 Contenitori PLT Tappo A Vite + Sottappo A Pressione 250ml 200 Italy
51 18397 Sterile PS Container 100ml Labelled With Screw Cap And Little Stopper Ind. Wrapp 150 Italy
52 18387 PS Containers 100ml Screw Cap Labelled 240 Italy
53 18389 Sterile PS Containers 100ml Screw Cap Labelled 240 Italy
54 18391 Sterile PS Containers 100ml Screw Cap Labelled Ind. Wrapped 150 Italy
55 18393 PS Container 100ml Labelled With Screw  Cap And Little Stopper 180 Italy
56 18395 Sterile PS Container 100ml Labelled With Screw Cap And Little Stopper 180 Italy
57 180991 PS Containers 200ml Labelled With Screw Cap And Little Stopper 135 Italy
58 SPC01 PS Specimen Urine Container With Yellow Screw Cap Vol 60ml Sterile 500 Msia
59 SPC02 PS Specimen Urine Container With Yellow Screw Cap Vol 60ml Non-Sterile 500 Msia
60 SPU03 PP Plastic Sputum Cup Container With Screw Cap 60ml 500 Msia
58 18346 PP Container For Counting Corpuscless  Royco Hycel 3000 Italy